Friday, November 21, 2008


Just a quick note to say I am still alive. Going to school and taking care of the little one. I have also been working on the blanket for the Children's miracle network like a madman! I really hope to get done here soon. I think that I am going to make this blanket a baby one since I do not have enough time to finish a baby one and then start another one for an adult (the place wants these blankets by December 1st which is fast approaching!)Anyway I wish everyone an early and happy thanksgiving! I might be able to post another post here next week (we shall see). Anyway I might as well let you go I do have allot more to tell you but my little one has a cold and needs me right now.

P.S. I am hopefully going to take some other massage oriented classes in the new year. Also I might be getting a new computer here soon! Yay that means that I can make podcasts again!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Time flies

Man oh man what a month and I don't even know where to start. Well I started the dragon scales shawl but then I ripped it out because I want to make a blanket instead of a shawl. Than I finally got started on at least one of the crochet blankets for the children's miracle network. Lets see what else has happened this month.. Oh oh I finally started massage school and I really like the way this school is working out so far!
Also I have discovered the podcast called Daily Buddhism and the website is you should really check it out I really like the podcasts to because they take start you out as a beginner and the podcaster really explains things as simply as he can. I think that is all I have for you right now...but anyway i thought that I would let you all still know that I am alive I am just going to school finally so it might be awhile between posts but I promise I will get them out when I can. Well I have to go be with my husband and daughter and hopefully get a little more studying in. Hope things are well!

Added later: My mom has finally discovered mala's (Buddhist rosaries) and she is planning on making her own. I find this very interesting because if you know my mom she is a very strict Christian.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Buddhism and me

Happy October everyone!
It has been awhile since I last posted hasn't it? Well I am still making blankets and trying to get those done by December. Now that it is October I know I still have 2 months-ish to get at least a blanket done and donated to the raffle for the Children's Miracle Network but dude it feels like it is just around the corner...oh wait it is! Man I really hate deadline knitting not that I don't like a challenge that isn't it at all its the worry of getting the project done on time without messing up.. Man pressure can be well * cough* an itch!
Anyway I just thought that I would let people know that I am still live and kicking. I would be screaming but my project is going well so far..also the knitting Gods/Fates have been unusually nice to me *knock on wood*. As of late I have been really getting back into Buddhism and Hinduism. I have no idea why but believe it or not I was Buddhist/Wiccan when I was like 16 but my mom didn't find out that I was Buddhist until I was 19.And I was Wiccan long before I was Buddhist but anyway.. So anyway I make Buddhist malas (A Buddhist mala is a strand of 108 beads plus a guru or big bead) and my husband said " why don't you sell them. You make them so well. You even got a comment from a Buddhist nun." And that got me to thinking about starting to sell them so maybe that is why I am getting back into that..who knows.
But for those of you who want to know the whole story of how I got a comment from a Buddhist nun. We had seen her at Bookman's (Bookman's for those of you who don't know know is a used entertainment store they sell books, cd's, games, electronics ect) of all places and got to talking about Buddhism, malas, books, and other things and we asked if she would like to join us for tea at a local tea shop here. She agreed and we made plans to meet her and I told her that I would bring a mala that I had made for her to see ( because while talking about malas I mentioned that I make them as well and she wanted to see I couldn't blame her). Anyway we meet her at the shop and I show her 1 of the malas that I have made and she said " this is better then the ones they make at the monastery" after hearing that I smiled and I think I blushed and all I could say was "thank you".
I was speechless which doesn't happen very often.
Well that is the story..and I can't think of anything else to post about. If you are interested in a mala or malas as in buying them please feel free to email me.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Like A Spy

Dudes I found the coolest shawl ever! I plan to make it into a blanket. If for some reason you don't want to click on the link here is a picture...

I really hope you like it. I know I do although I have to knit other things before even starting this.. *sigh* but I so want to start it now but I know what my fiance will say.. he will say "Cant you finish 1 project before starting another one?" or "Can't you work on one project at a time?"
Like a spy I know what he is going to say before he even starts talking so it is then that I give him the evil death glare and tell him "No i can't finish a project before starting another one and no I can't work on just one project at a time." It is then my friends that he admits defeat and rolls his eyeballs, sighs, then shakes his head and walks away. It is then I think " I am good" but before I can even finish my train of thought the knitting Gods/fates knock me upside the head and make me see that the Gods/fates rule everything in the land of knitting by messing up my knitting by either making me miscount or some other act of knitting disaster like dropping a stitch or have the re-knit the entire project. It is then that I realize that projects being successful or not is up to the Gods/fates.
*Bows in honor* I am so sorry that I got cocky and thought that I could do this project without your divine help.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

your stuck with me haha

Hi Readers!
I just wanted you to know that apparently the school that I am trying to go to ( I called and they said that they didn't get enough people to start this time) won't start until October so you are stuck with me bwa hahaha! So... what now? Hmmm.... I know a wicca 101 post hows that sound? Lets start with the basics of what wicca is. The most basic questions are sometimes the hardest to answer. The term Wicca today encompasses a wide range of beliefs, which means you might encounter someone who identifies themselves as Wiccan who does not fit the generalizations here. My attempt at defining the term encompasses the majority of self-identifying Wiccans, and I believe it is in line with how the community in general applies the word. If you are reading this because someone you know is interested in Wicca, I would strongly suggest that you ask him or her what Wicca means to them. This is particularly important if you are a parent with a child who is studying Wicca. Teenagers in particular sometimes have skewed expectations when it comes to Wicca, whether because of rumor or influence from Hollywood. My definition is totally useless if it isn’t the definition being used by the person in question!


  • Is polytheistic religion focusing upon dedication to patron deities, typically a god and a goddess.
  • Is a modern religion influenced by a variety of pre-Christian beliefs.
  • Views the spiritual and material worlds as overlapping: the gods are not distant beings but entities whose presence we can experience.
  • Stresses personal experience with divinity and developing greater harmony with the larger world.
  • Views the universe as the product of complementary opposites in a system roughly akin to the Chinese concept of yin and yang.
  • Teaches that we all are ultimately responsible for our own actions.

If that didn’t answer your questions satisfactorily, don’t despair. These points will all be clarified in further questions. First, however, I’d like to address a few other basic questions concerning terminology and the nature of what we’re talking about. And last but not least for today Wiccan ethics.

Wiccans do have an extremely clear ethical and moral system with very distinct boundaries, despite certain Christian clergy claims to the contrary. We believe that the determination of what is right and wrong is made by the Goddess and the God and communicated clearly to us through personal contact with the divine. Ethical responsibility is a very important part of our religion.

But you may wonder - since we don't have a formal written book of spiritual and religious laws, how can we be ethical and moral people? Well, since we are an oral tradition, we do have some very important laws that are followed. They may seem simple and basic, but when you think about it, these rules cover all the arenas of ethical responsibility:

And it harm none, do what thou wilt.
At first glance, this seems pretty easy. But it can be a little more complicated than just making sure that when you put your car in reverse, you check to make sure someone isn't standing there. "And it harm none" refers not only to other people, but also to yourself, animals and the Earth Herself. We're connected to each other at a variety of levels - spiritually, ecologically and physically - and we must carefully weigh our actions with their consequences. This is not to mean that we never take action because we're too busy weighing out the consequence of stepping out the door in the morning, only that our actions should be guided by an awareness of the impact of our deeds.

Lest in thy self defense it be, ever mind the rule of three.
This one is a little easier - just think of karma, or of reaping what you sow. Wiccans believe that what you do comes back to you threefold, so if you send out bad energy in the form of a spell or action, not only does it backfire on you, you get three times the consequence! It's important to remember that just because those of us who may have been harmed by another person's deliberate actions may not instantly see the consequence in the other person's life, there will still be consequences.

A word or two in closing. Wiccans have often been accused of not being very moral because unlike most of the world's major religions, we don't believe that our bodies or the earth is evil or sinful. In a famous poem/chant called
The Charge of the Goddess, there is a line that says "All acts of love and pleasure are My rituals." Now, you may think that means we have orgies and have no self control and just generally give in to whatever urges we have, but that's not what it means. When preparing food, making music or love, dancing or painting become sacred acts, they are entered into with a deeper respect and awareness of our personal responsibility, not with looser morals.

The following information came from and

Monday, September 15, 2008


Hello readers!
I am so excited about this blog because after years of searching I have found the Dragonball Z song that I was looking for (I have been looking for it since I was like 16 in high school maybe longer) anyway it is called "A Little Help From A Friend" By Bruce Faulconer and it is track 21 on the cd Dragonball Z Trunks Compendium! Anyway I also wanted to let you all know that I am relearning the tarot as I am very rusty and haven't done a reading in a while.
I find it is easier to learn the tarot if there are/is a story to read like the fanfiction mystic eyes by: Aishuu (formally known as Quicksilver). All in all when you learn the tarot it is a good idea to take them everywhere with you for a week (IF you can) if not try and spend some time with them each day and see what the card is telling you. For example the strength card

Keywords: Strength, Patience, Compassion, Soft Control

Usually we think of strength in physical terms - big arms, powerful legs - but there is also inner strength.Inner strength comes from an exercise of the heart muscle. It is perseverance, courage, resolve and composure - qualities that help us endure when times are tough. In the past, a person with inner strength was commonly said to have character; he or she could be counted on in the darkest moments. Card 8 represents this energy of quiet determination. Strength is not a flashy card, but one that is solid and reliable.

Card 8 also represents patience and compassion. Getting angry is easy when events turn sour, but dealing calmly with frustration takes great strength. So does accepting others and forgiving mistakes. We need strength to mold situations softly. The Chariot controls through mastery and authority. Card 8 is more subtle, even loving. Notice how the lion (itself a symbol of strength) is being guided and tamed by the woman's gentle hands.

Card 8 will appear in a reading when its qualities are needed. It can be a reminder not to despair or give up. You have the inner strength to endure and triumph. If you are pushing too hard, you need to withdraw for the moment and be patient. If other people or circumstances are driving you crazy, remember the strength that comes with love and forbearance. These will see you through the hardest moments.

I hope that it helps you I actually copied the strength card keywords and definition from the fanfiction mystic eyes. Well since my little one is taking a nap I might as well leave you and go and look at patterns or read fanfiction or something. What I am trying to say is I need my alone time and since the Gods have granted my alone time early I am going to use the opportunity. Hope things are well!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Bored Bored What to do?

Hi Blog readers!
How are you? Me obviously ( as stated in the title name) I am bored... Bored out of my mind and I have many projects to do on top of everything else like taking care of my little one. Here are the projects I must get done

1) a preemie baby blanket for a raffle which all monies earned go to the Children's Miracle Network

2) a blanket (Adult sized) for the same cause as #1

3) An afghan/blanket for a dear friend of mine (yes I consider her family as well)

4) A wrap for a friend I consider family

5) A pair of socks for my fiance (He likes knitted homemade socks allot more then store bought socks I am so proud!)

then there are the other things I can knit but these 5 I must get done.. and man the time-line to get the first 3 done is in December.. I better get cracking! The first 2 are crochet no problem crochet goes allot faster then knitting but the 3rd one I would like to knit it and man I don't think that I will get it done in time for Yule!
All I will say that I have a little over a week before I start school, that and taking care of my little one and making blankets.. May the Knitting and craft gods be with me. Yes that could also include the force as well. And yes I am somewhat of a geek.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Thursday September 11, 2008

Salutations and Merry Meet!
Welcome to the Crafty Knit Witch Blog! While I have been contemplating starting a blog for a while I am not like the yarnharlot and did not have a good friend get tired of my craftiness (via emails of doom). I finally decided to just bite the bullet and start one. This being the first ever blog entry.. I not only want to lay down some "rules" but I also want to give you 5 reasons as to why I should be worthy of blogdom! I also want to introduce myself.

The "rules"

1) I am Wiccan I will not tolerate ANY discrimination! If you can't accept the fact that other people are unique and different from you (be it religion or ethnic background) that is your own beef. Deal with it on your own time.

2) Have fun and enjoy each others company.

3) Have patience as I will try and get a post out when I can I am after all a full time mom and going to school.

Reasons I am worthy of Blogdom!

1) I am a Knitter but I do other crafts like crochet, cross stitch, I am learning how to spin, I do other craftiness but I can't think of any more at the moment.

2) To steal from the yarnharlot "I have a cat. While she doesn't knit, and so will not figure largely in the blog, a survey of other knitting blogs has revealed to me that it might be a prerequisite."

3) I have the attention span of a goldfish and I am very random.. this I think is a requirement because it makes for a very interesting if not funny and enjoyable blog.

4) I am left handed. I know allot of people say you use both hands to knit and spin but to me it makes a difference on how I learn things/accomplish things.. but if I can even help right handers out there yeah I think you get my point. I also think it would make for an interesting blog because I haven't found any blogs where the designer helps both "handers". Although if I post pictures a note to right handers that if I am showing a technique it will be backward (ie the left hand will be used to knit/ crochet, ect).

5) Like I said in the rules I am Wiccan and maybe I can help out Wiccans/Pagans too! For an example open their eyes and help them see that they can use knitting, crocheting, ect to help them ground, heal others ect. Also if anyone is interested I think I might start a beginning Wicca post every once in a while.

The Introduction

My name is Ayla, I am a proud mom and I am engaged. I like to knit, crochet, cross stitch, cook, read, rock climb. do yoga, and eat! I am a Taurus which means I can be stubborn but I also do tarot/rune readings and I love being Wiccan.My favorite number is 6 and I love the color blue.. I actually like all colours but I am not a big fan of pinks. I hope you enjoy my blog and if you have anymore questions please email me.

Added Later: Today is Silver Ravenwolf's Birthday. Visit her website at and check it out also if you sign up (its free) be sure to wish her a happy birthday!