I just wanted you to know that apparently the school that I am trying to go to ( I called and they said that they didn't get enough people to start this time) won't start until October so you are stuck with me bwa hahaha! So... what now? Hmmm.... I know a wicca 101 post hows that sound? Lets start with the basics of what wicca is. The most basic questions are sometimes the hardest to answer. The term Wicca today encompasses a wide range of beliefs, which means you might encounter someone who identifies themselves as Wiccan who does not fit the generalizations here. My attempt at defining the term encompasses the majority of self-identifying Wiccans, and I believe it is in line with how the community in general applies the word. If you are reading this because someone you know is interested in Wicca, I would strongly suggest that you ask him or her what Wicca means to them. This is particularly important if you are a parent with a child who is studying Wicca. Teenagers in particular sometimes have skewed expectations when it comes to Wicca, whether because of rumor or influence from Hollywood. My definition is totally useless if it isn’t the definition being used by the person in question!
- Is polytheistic religion focusing upon dedication to patron deities, typically a god and a goddess.
- Is a modern religion influenced by a variety of pre-Christian beliefs.
- Views the spiritual and material worlds as overlapping: the gods are not distant beings but entities whose presence we can experience.
- Stresses personal experience with divinity and developing greater harmony with the larger world.
- Views the universe as the product of complementary opposites in a system roughly akin to the Chinese concept of yin and yang.
- Teaches that we all are ultimately responsible for our own actions.
If that didn’t answer your questions satisfactorily, don’t despair. These points will all be clarified in further questions. First, however, I’d like to address a few other basic questions concerning terminology and the nature of what we’re talking about. And last but not least for today Wiccan ethics.
But you may wonder - since we don't have a formal written book of spiritual and religious laws, how can we be ethical and moral people? Well, since we are an oral tradition, we do have some very important laws that are followed. They may seem simple and basic, but when you think about it, these rules cover all the arenas of ethical responsibility:
And it harm none, do what thou wilt.
At first glance, this seems pretty easy. But it can be a little more complicated than just making sure that when you put your car in reverse, you check to make sure someone isn't standing there. "And it harm none" refers not only to other people, but also to yourself, animals and the Earth Herself. We're connected to each other at a variety of levels - spiritually, ecologically and physically - and we must carefully weigh our actions with their consequences. This is not to mean that we never take action because we're too busy weighing out the consequence of stepping out the door in the morning, only that our actions should be guided by an awareness of the impact of our deeds.
Lest in thy self defense it be, ever mind the rule of three.
This one is a little easier - just think of karma, or of reaping what you sow. Wiccans believe that what you do comes back to you threefold, so if you send out bad energy in the form of a spell or action, not only does it backfire on you, you get three times the consequence! It's important to remember that just because those of us who may have been harmed by another person's deliberate actions may not instantly see the consequence in the other person's life, there will still be consequences.
A word or two in closing. Wiccans have often been accused of not being very moral because unlike most of the world's major religions, we don't believe that our bodies or the earth is evil or sinful. In a famous poem/chant called The Charge of the Goddess, there is a line that says "All acts of love and pleasure are My rituals." Now, you may think that means we have orgies and have no self control and just generally give in to whatever urges we have, but that's not what it means. When preparing food, making music or love, dancing or painting become sacred acts, they are entered into with a deeper respect and awareness of our personal responsibility, not with looser morals.
The following information came from http://wicca.timerift.net/wicca101/Basics.shtml#1 and www.witchonthego.com
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