Thursday, September 11, 2008


Thursday September 11, 2008

Salutations and Merry Meet!
Welcome to the Crafty Knit Witch Blog! While I have been contemplating starting a blog for a while I am not like the yarnharlot and did not have a good friend get tired of my craftiness (via emails of doom). I finally decided to just bite the bullet and start one. This being the first ever blog entry.. I not only want to lay down some "rules" but I also want to give you 5 reasons as to why I should be worthy of blogdom! I also want to introduce myself.

The "rules"

1) I am Wiccan I will not tolerate ANY discrimination! If you can't accept the fact that other people are unique and different from you (be it religion or ethnic background) that is your own beef. Deal with it on your own time.

2) Have fun and enjoy each others company.

3) Have patience as I will try and get a post out when I can I am after all a full time mom and going to school.

Reasons I am worthy of Blogdom!

1) I am a Knitter but I do other crafts like crochet, cross stitch, I am learning how to spin, I do other craftiness but I can't think of any more at the moment.

2) To steal from the yarnharlot "I have a cat. While she doesn't knit, and so will not figure largely in the blog, a survey of other knitting blogs has revealed to me that it might be a prerequisite."

3) I have the attention span of a goldfish and I am very random.. this I think is a requirement because it makes for a very interesting if not funny and enjoyable blog.

4) I am left handed. I know allot of people say you use both hands to knit and spin but to me it makes a difference on how I learn things/accomplish things.. but if I can even help right handers out there yeah I think you get my point. I also think it would make for an interesting blog because I haven't found any blogs where the designer helps both "handers". Although if I post pictures a note to right handers that if I am showing a technique it will be backward (ie the left hand will be used to knit/ crochet, ect).

5) Like I said in the rules I am Wiccan and maybe I can help out Wiccans/Pagans too! For an example open their eyes and help them see that they can use knitting, crocheting, ect to help them ground, heal others ect. Also if anyone is interested I think I might start a beginning Wicca post every once in a while.

The Introduction

My name is Ayla, I am a proud mom and I am engaged. I like to knit, crochet, cross stitch, cook, read, rock climb. do yoga, and eat! I am a Taurus which means I can be stubborn but I also do tarot/rune readings and I love being Wiccan.My favorite number is 6 and I love the color blue.. I actually like all colours but I am not a big fan of pinks. I hope you enjoy my blog and if you have anymore questions please email me.

Added Later: Today is Silver Ravenwolf's Birthday. Visit her website at and check it out also if you sign up (its free) be sure to wish her a happy birthday!

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